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1. Aqua 浅绿色
The color of metapsychics[心灵研究], representing all “mind magicks注1,” such as meditation[冥想] and psychic[心灵的] attunement[协调]. Associated with Friday and the planet Venus. Aqua is an excellent hue[色彩] for peacefulness and profound[深远的] reflection.

2. Blue 蓝色
Representing the element of water, it is the color of emotional work; love, peace, healing and protection. Considered the color of wisdom, thoughtfulness, and celestial[天空的] regions, blue shares Friday and the planet Venus with green (as in aqua, or blue-green). Blue is identified[认为一致] with the signs of Virgo and Capricorn, the 5th (throat) chakra注2 and the natural sciences. A feeling of youthfulness fills this color. Blue is an excellent hue for peacefulness and profound reflection. Use it for healing, harmony[协调], creativity, communication and resonance[共鸣].

3. Green 绿色
  Representing the element of earth, it is the color of vegetation, as in gardening and herbalism[草药学] (wortcunning). Fertility[丰饶], prosperity[繁荣], hope, joy, delight, growth and change are all aspects of green. Forest green is connected with fertility, the body, courage and classical music or wilderness sounds. Ivy green represents the emotional aspects, coping with grief, cliffside[悬崖边] ponderings[沉思], and hushed music or silence. Pale green, as in the color of new grass, aids the healing process.

4. Yellow 黄色
It represents the element of air; is the color of divination[预言]. Yellow is associated with mental work; meditation, will, intellect, divination and communication. Another version of gold, yellow is the color of friendship, goodness and faith. Yellow (or sometimes a very light yellow-green) is associated with Wednesday, the planet Mercury, the sign of Taurus and the 3rd (solar plexus) chakra. Golden yellow is the color of charm, trust, summer, bright sounds such as children’s laughter, and upbeat[欢乐的] music. Pastel[淡色] yellow tends more towards spring, psychic endeavors[努力] and creativity. Yellow is a terrific color to improve balance, self-esteem[自尊], charisma[感召力], divination and creativity. Use it also for strength of will, vitality[活力], purpose and effectiveness.

5. Orange 橙色
The color is associated with the performance arts and conjury[魔法] (stage magics). Orange represents pride and courage; heroism[英勇] and attraction; kinship[密切关系] and prosperity (as in a good harvest). Orange is attuned to warmth, friendship, abundance, spirit, will, principles, theory and alertness.

6. Red 红色
Representing the element of fire, it is the color of alchemy, and the magickal arts and sciences of transformation. Red is associated with phy

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