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为何朋友的好友比你多? Why your friends seem to have more friends than you do

为何朋友的好友比你多?  Why your friends seem to have more friends than you do


You spend your time tweeting, friending, liking, poking, and in the few minutes left, cultivating friends in the flesh. Yet sadly, despite all your efforts, you probably have fewer friends than most of your friends have. But don’t despair — the same is true for almost all of us. Our friends are typically more popular than we are.

Don’t believe it? Consider these results from a colossal recent study of Facebook by Johan Ugander, Brian Karrer, Lars Backstrom and Cameron Marlow. (Disclosure: Ugander is a student at Cornell, and I’m on his doctoral committee.) They examined all of Facebook’s active users, which at the time included 721 million people — about 10 percent of the world’s population — with 69 billion friendships among them. First, the researchers looked at how users stacked up against their circle of friends. They found that a user’s friend count was less than the average friend count of his or her friends, 93 percent of the time. Next, they measured averages across Facebook as a whole, and found that users had an average of 190 friends, while their friends averaged 635 friends of their own.
不相信?想想最近Johan Ugander、Brian Karrer、Lars Backstrom 、Cameron Marlow最近写的有关Facebook的论文吧。(信息披露:Ugander是康奈尔的学生,我是他博士论文答辩委员会成员。)他们调查了Facebook上所有的活跃用户(当时为7.21亿人,约为世界人口的10%),其中共有690亿对好友关系。研究人员研究了用户们的数量与其朋友的朋友数量,发现93%的用户的朋友数量低于他朋友的朋友数量的平均值。之后,他们从整体上对Facebook进行了研究,发现平均一个用户有190个朋友,而他们的朋友平均有635个朋友。

Studies of offline social networks show the same trend. It has nothing to do with personalities; it follows from basic arithmetic. For any network where some people have more friends than others, it’s a theorem that the average number of friends of friends is always greater than the average number of friends of individuals.

This phenomenon has been called the friendship paradox. Its explanation hinges on a numerical pattern — a particular kind of “weighted average” — that comes up in many other situations. Understanding that pattern will help you feel better about some of life’s little annoyances.

For example, imagine going to the gym. When you look around, does it seem that just about everybody there is in better shape than you are? Well, you’re probably right. But that’s inevitable and nothing to feel ashamed of. If you’re an average gym member, that’s exactly what you should expect to see, because the people sweating and grunting around you are not average. They’re the types who spend time at the gym, which is why you’re seeing them there in the first place. The couch potatoes are snoozing at home where you can’t count them. In other words, your sample of the gym’s membership is not representative. It’s biased toward gym rats.

This is also why people experience airplanes, restaurants, parks and beaches to be more crowded
