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A person cannot fold a piece of paper in half more than 8 times. 一个人不可能将一页纸对折超过八次。
There are just over 300 million cell phones used daily in the United States alone. 仅在美国每天就有3亿多部手机被用。
A shrimp's heart is in its head. 虾的心脏在头部。
Natural pearls will melt in vinegar. 天然珍珠在醋酸中会溶解。
An olive tree can live up to 1500 years. 橄榄树可以活1500年。
Cleopatra married two of her brothers. 埃及艳后嫁给了她两个哥哥。
Ants can't shut their eyes. 蚂蚁不能闭眼。
On a Canadian two dollar bill, the flag flying over the Parliament Building looks like an American flag. 加拿大2元钞票上,国会大厦顶上飘扬的旗帜看起来像是美国国旗。
Men's shirts have the buttons on the right, while women shirts have the buttons on the left. 男式衬衫的纽扣在右边,而女式衬衫的纽扣在左边。
Chewing gum will help reduce tears when cutting an onion. 切洋葱时,嚼口香糖可以减少流泪。
The day after thanksgiving is the busiest day for plumbers in the U.S. 美国感恩节后第一天是管道工最忙的一天。
Coffee beans are not beans at all, rather fruit pits. 咖啡豆完全不属于豆类,而是果核。
Fortune cookies were invented in America in 1918, by Charles Jung. 幸运饼干是查尔斯.荣格1918年在美国发明的。
Scuba divers cannot pass gas at depth deeper than 33 feet. 戴水肺的潜水员在深度超过33英尺的水中不能放屁。
The Mona Lisa has no eyebrows. It was the fashion then, to shave them off. 蒙娜丽莎没有眉毛,在当时刮掉眉毛是种时尚。
The average American consumes enough caffeine in one year to kill a horse. 一年中,美国人平均消费掉的咖啡因足以杀死一匹马。
A giraffe can clean its ears with its 50 cm (20 in) tongue长颈鹿可用其长达50厘米(20英寸)的舌头清理耳朵。
The pig is rated the fourth most intelligent animal but are mentioned only twice in Bible猪被评为第四聪明的动物,但《圣经》中只提到过两次。
Sharks are immune to all known diseases鲨鱼对所有已知疾病具有免疫力。
The majority of suicides occur on a Monday.- It is a fact, everyone HATES Mondays. 绝大多数自杀事件都发生在星期一。事实上,人人都恨星期一。
The most children born to one woman was 69, she was a peasant who lived a 40 year life, in which she had 16 twins, 7 triplets, and 4 quadruplets - now that's a lot of babies! 生育最多的一个女人生了69个,她是农民,活了40岁,期间生了16对双胞胎,7对三胞胎和4对四胞胎——这得多少婴儿啊?
If you keep a goldfish in the dark, it will eventually turn white. 如果让金鱼生活在黑暗中,它最终会变成白色。
On average, people who use their right hand live 9 years longer than people who use their left. 平均而言,用右手的人比用左手的人要多活九年。
The ant can lift 50 times its own weight, can pull 30 times its own weight and always falls over on its right side when intoxicated. 蚂蚁可以举起重于自身体重50倍的物体,可以拉动重于自身体重30倍的物体,兴奋时,会从身体右侧倒下。
It is physically impossible for you to lick your elbow. 你不可能舔到你的胳膊肘。
Walt Disney was afraid of mice. 华特.迪斯尼害怕老鼠。
A snail can sleep for three years. 蜗牛一觉可以睡三年。
