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不要让拒绝的担忧浇灭你 Don’t Let the Fear of Rejection Keep You Quiet

不要让拒绝的担忧浇灭你   Don’t Let the Fear of Rejection Keep You Quiet


The fear of rejection is the main reason most people don’t share their faith with other people. You’re afraid of what they will think. God has given us good news, yet we’re afraid to share it. We worry that our friends will reject us or people will think we’re fanatics or “Jesus freaks.”
So, how do you overcome the fear of rejection? You put God in first place, you put people in their place by taking their opinions with the right perspective, and you put yourself in the proper place.

Have you been looking to other people to meet a need that only God can satisfy? Have you been living to please the wrong person? Watch out! You’re headed for trouble. God wants to be your light and your salvation. He offers his love, acceptance, and approval. He knows everything about you, and he still loves you. Jesus Christ paid for your sins so you can be forgiven and acceptable to God.

I encourage you to simplify your life by saying, “I’m going to concentrate on God's approval. That's what counts. I want my life to be pleasing to him. At the end of my life, I want to stand before God and hear him say, ‘Well done, good and faithful servant.’”

How do you get God's approval? The Bible says there is only one way to get God’s approval. Hebrews 11:2 says it is by faith we win God's approval. We accept his love and what he’s done for us. We trust our lives to him. If you’ve never done that, you can do so right now by praying, “God, I want to switch the focus of my life from living for the approval of other people to living for yours alone. I put my faith in you and trust what Jesus Christ has done for me. I commit my life to you.”

If you are already a Christian, then who around you needs the love of Jesus Christ? Who can you invite to church this week? Don’t let your fear of rejection keep your friend from hearing the greatest news in the world.

Make this your commitment today: “I want to live for an audience of one and be pleasing only to God.”