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The Price of Success 成功的代价

The Price of Success 成功的代价


One Sunday afternoon a young man came across a wise sage. The young man asked the sage if he could show him the path to success. The sage said, if you really want to know the path, meet me at the river tomorrow morning.

On the next day, the young man arrived early to the river, excited about what he was going to learn.

The sage and the young man then got into a boat and went down the river. After a few minutes, the young man said, I’m ready to learn; teach me the way of success.

The sage said, I will teach you, and he pushed the young man out of the boat and into the river. The sage then jumped into the river and pushed the young man’s head under the water. The young man fought and fought, but the sage kept the young man’s head under. Finally, the young man broke free and came to the top of the water. He asked the sage, what are you trying to do, kill me; I just wanted to know the way of success.
The sage said, when you fight for success, like you were just fighting for your life, you will find it.

The point I’m trying to make is this, if success is not critical to you, you won’t find it. You have to fight for it with everything that you have, because it won’t come easy. You must have a white hot burning desire in order to achieve the unachievable. There’s a quote that says, “The nose of the bulldog has been slanted backwards so that he may breathe without letting go.” To succeed you have to be like that Bulldog. You have to have a “no-give-up” mentality; you have to fight for you want, like everything is depending on it.
通过这个故事我想要说的就是,假如你认为成功不是非此不可的一件事的话,你就无法取得成功。因为成功来之不易,所以你要全力以赴去奋斗。你一定要有一颗炙热的心去追求你的目标。有一句名言是这样说的,“斗牛犬长着一副塌鼻子,这样它在贴着与对手较量时也不用担心呼吸问题”。 为了取得成功,你一定要像斗牛犬那样。你必须要有一种”永不言弃“的精神;你一定要为了自己理想而去奋斗,就像没有它的话,其它一切存在也就没有任何意义那样。