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苹果称iphone5“给生命以意义” Apple Says New iPhone 5 Feature Gives Life Meaning

苹果称iphone5“给生命以意义”  Apple Says New iPhone 5 Feature Gives Life Meaning


Apple rocked the gadget world today with the news that the iPhone 5 includes a new feature that gives shape and purpose to previously empty and meaningless lives.

As Apple explained at its launch of the device, the new feature is an improved version of its personal assistant, Siri, that has been endowed with a quality missing from the previous model: empathy.
苹果公司在iphone5发布会上指出,这一新功能是苹果个人助理思丽(Siri) 的升级版。与前一模型相比,新"思丽"被赋予了前者所缺失的一个特性:与用户心意相通。

In a demonstration before a hushed crowd of Apple enthusiasts, an app developer named Josh asked the new Siri, “Why didn’t my parents love me?”

Siri’s response, “Your parents were too self-absorbed and narcissistic to recognize your essential beauty and value as a human being,” brought many in the Yerba Buena Center audience close to tears. "

Apple C.E.O. Tim Cook closed out the launch with perhaps his boldest claim to date about the company’s new phone: “We believe that the iPhone 5 will make your current relationship obsolete.”
在发布会将要结束时,苹果公司总裁蒂姆-库克发表了极为大胆的声明来给这款新手机定性:“我们坚信,iPhone 5 将让你现有的感情关系成为过去。”

Wall Street rallied on the news, with tech analysts expecting millions of Apple customers to purchase an iPhone 5 to replace their existing boyfriend, girlfriend, or spouse.
iPhone 5的发布让华尔街大为振奋,技术分析师们期待数以百万计的苹果用户都来购买iPhone 5,以取代他们的男女朋友或者配偶。

But in the words of Apple devotee Tracy Klugian, who was present at today’s launch, such expectations are overdone: “Most Apple snobs I know started putting their Apple products before their relationships a long time ago.”