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如何不怀疑自己How To Stop Doubting Yourself

如何不怀疑自己How To Stop Doubting Yourself


Has there been a time where you had no sense of direction?
It always went like this for me: Whenever there is a new goal, I tend to be very optimistic about it. I always get energized and can’t wait to get things moving.
These goals of yours can be anything, like losing weight, saving up money, or perhaps wanting to become famous one day! These are all very exciting things to look forward to, and most of us will be eager to get the ball rolling.
Then along the way, you are suddenly hit by an unexpected wave of doubts.
Doubts that make you think that everything doesn’t matter anymore. Doubts that make you think that you took the wrong road. Doubts that make you want to give it all in. It’s almost too hard to say “I will keep on going” and instead, quit.
So the number on the weight scale isn’t moving. Your bank account doesn’t seem to be increasing. Trying to become famous is almost a joke. It seems as if everything is doubtful.
On a day to day basis, it can be hard to keep yourself motivated. It can be hard to hold your head high up. At the same time, we all need to keep on going. What we think or feel at this very moment doesn’t matter. What does matter is how we respond to it.
I will feel stress, but stress is another way of letting me know that I’m breathing; that I’malive.
Without stress, we would never know what feels good. The main important thing is that you do not give up. Because once you give up, then no one can help you. 没有压力,我们永远不会知道什么感觉好。最重要的事情是不要放弃。因为你一旦放弃,就没人能够救你了。 I run a personal development website. Ironic thing is that there are times where I will feel unmotivated about myself. Even the toughest knight has his weakest moment. Even though I run such website, it doesn’t mean that I am forbidden to ever feel doubtful from time to time.
Just because you’re expected to do something, it doesn’t mean that you will have second thoughts and regrets.
But do not let these second thoughts and regrets make you quit what you started. You and I both need to keep going.
Here are the following things that kept my mind positive again—even after being unsuccessful and having doubts.
Take A Break
Sometimes it is our mind that goes against us. I will find that my time spent alone, doing absolutely nothing, will help get me straighten out.
I think. I ponder. Sometimes I will wonder why this is meant to be. Then I realized why I wanted this; why I started it.
Many people often quit at something they began. There may be several reasons, such as time constraint or other’s opinions that influences their belief system. Either way, it is no excuse.
Whenever you find yourself having doubts, take a break. Give yourself time to think. Ask yourself what made you get into th